Come and join our “Family Dive Adventures” and “Family Weeks”. Frequently held during the summer months.
Created especially for our youngsters! The Adventure, the underwater exploration, the understanding of our environment/awareness, working in a team and overall safety. All of this comes with an extra portion of fun.
For more information and dates check our “Event Schedule”
Diving for Kids - Junior Diver 1*
Further Education:
Junior Scuba Diver.
Starting Age: 9 Years
Course Includes:
Full equipment rental.
Theory lessons.
Practical lessons in shallow waters.
Certification and Logbook.
Established Guidelines:
Training is conducted in either a pool or pool like conditions.
The water temperature should be a minimum of 25 degrees.
Dives are always conducted with full equipment including a neoprene suit.
Maximum dive time is 25 min.
Minimum Age: 8 years.
Parental Consent.
Medical Certificate.
Evidence of physical abilities.
The student should be able to swim a distance of 25 meters or over.
Cost and duration of the course:
Course duration: 3 days.
Cost: Euro 195,-
Diving for Kids - Junior CMAS**
Established Guidelines : Training is conducted in either a pool or pool like conditions.
A maximum depth of 5 meters.
No decompression dives.
Maximum dive time is 25 min.
Course Includes:
Full equipment rental.
Theory lessons.
Practical lessons in shallow waters.
Certification and Logbook.
Practical Lessons:
The dives are conducted in protected shallow waters, using different locations with various bottom compositions such as sand, pebble, silt, rock and flora.
Solar altitude and direction.
Be able to descend head and/or feet first.
Be able to maintain proper buoyancy.
Be able to achieve underwater skills such as mask clearance, take it off and put it back on.
Be able to breathe for at least one minute without the mask, and some more…..
Minimum age: 9 years.
Parental Consent.
Medical Certificate
The student has to have a good command of all the skills practiced in the Junior Diver Course.
Cost and duration of the course:
Course duration: 3 Days
Cost: Euro 195,-
Diving for Kids - Junior CMAS***
Established Guidelines:
Training is conducted in shallow open water at a maximum depth of 10 meters.
Maximum 1 dive per day.
Strictly no decompression dives.
Course Includes:
Full equipment rental
Theory lessons.
Practical lessons in shallow waters
Certification and Logbook.
Practical Lessons:
The student has to know his / her equipment
Learns how to check their own equipment prior to every dive
Learns to maintain and care for the equipment after every dive
Learns to be considerate of other collegues equipment
Understands the safety aspects of diving in a group
Learns how to use underwater communication with signals
Learns to practice a buddy check prior to each dive and repeat the exercise a 3 meter underwater.
and many more…..
The student learns the physical basics of buoyancy and its influence on diving, i.e. weights/suit.
The effects on volume and pressure
Learns about safety and how to avoid possible injuries such as baro trauma, with more detail given to barotrauma of the lungs, mask hematoma and disrupted eardrum.
Familiarization with some definitions of anatomy, such as Eustachian tube, eardrum, middle ear.
Understand the behavior of living organisms under water, coral, etc…..
Further Education:
Specialities for Juniors
Minimum age: 10 years.
Parental Consent.
Medical Certificate
The student has to have a good command of all the skills practiced in the Junior Scuba Diver course.
Cost and duration of the course:
Course duration: 3 Tage
Cost: Euro 195,-
Specialities and Certifications for Juniors.
After the Junior Diver children can further their education on various specialties such as Peak Performance Buoyancy, Boat Diving, Naturalist and many more.
Please don’t hesitate to ask us if you need further information.
Get yourself the 5% Voucher on the next course.
Just click on the “Worm”, print it and bring it over!