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On this page, you can view our availability schedule throughout the year.
The colors corresponds to the relevant calendar week and represents availability.

„red“ if the dive centre is fully booked.
„yellow“ if the dive centre has only limited availability left.
„green“ if the dive centre still has sufficient availability.

Special Events are colored with „pink“

Events for 3. December 2018

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IAC-CMAS TL Prüfung 1 & 2 sowie Crossover

1. December 2018 - 10. December 2018
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Occupancy CW49

3. December 2018 - 9. December 2018

On this page, you can view our availability schedule throughout the year. The colors corresponds to the relevant calendar week and represents availability. "red" if the dive centre is fully booked. "yellow" if the dive centre has only limited availability left. "green" if the dive centre still has sufficient availability.

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